Expressway Industrial Estate, Runcorn Docks Road, Runcorn, WA7 4US
To Let Unit 16, 2,000 sq.ft. (185.8 sq.m.) / £20,000 per annum
Expressway Industrial Estate is accessed via Runcorn Dock Road which is just off Picow Farm Road. The estate is a busy industrial trading park and is popular with trade counter occupiers. The estate is located close to the Western Point Expressway which provides fast access to the motorway network.
The unit comprises roller shutter access, WC Facilities, 3 phase electricity, High eaves. The estate is a modern self contained multi-let scheme developed in the late 1990′s and offers tenants a mixture of both trade counter and traditional industrial accommodation.
Click on the link for more information - Expressway Industrial Estate, Runcorn
Contact Nick Harrop