Pool Street 3-8, Birkenhead CH41 3NL

Written by Ruth_Milburn on . Posted in Industrial Property, Retail Property

For Sale Well Located Retail / Industrial Investment ~  Site extends to approximately 3,878.3  metre squared (0.96 acres) / Purchase Price £950,000 (UNDER OFFER)

The property is situated on the western side of Pool Street, between Cleveland Street (A5030) and Corporation Road, to the west of Birkenhead Town Centre on the Wirral Peninsula.  Cleveland Street provides access to Birkenhead Town Centre which is approximately two miles to the east of the property, with good road connections to the Queensway Mersey Tunnel linking to Liverpool City Centre.

The property comprises a series of predominantly single storey interconnecting warehouse properties with mezzanine floors and accommodates a furniture showroom and stores with ancillary facilities and a craft  brewery.  The buildings are of  mixed construction and generally offer brick warehouse buildings with metal deck roofs and some corrugated asbestos cement roof panelling, with brick and profile metal cladding to the elevations.

Click on the link for more information - Pool Street 3-8, Birkenhead

Contact Nick Harrop